Blind and curtain cords have the potential to harm babies and children, who can be easily entangled in the loops.
According to the Office of Fair Trading, since 2000 at least 12 children have died from blind or curtain cord strangulation in Australia.
As A Landlord Do I Need To Ensure My Window Coverings Follow The Mandatory Standard?
Landlords are obliged to ensure a rental property is in a good state of repair and fit for the tenant to live in.
All new window coverings supplied to rental properties must follow the mandatory standard, which came into effect in 2010 and is detailed on the Product Safety Australia website.
The Solution
Inspect all windows coverings for compliance to ACCC Mandatory Standards. In the event a corded window covering is not compliant, install the necessary cleats, tensioning devices and warning labels to ensure compliance is achieved.
Corded window inspections can be arranged as part of the smoke alarm compliance testing.